
Repair and Restoration Seminar

1.Copy Frog

Old violin bow frogs in general are fairly fragile or with some tiny cracks, and the cases are especially worse with that made of tortoiseshell and ivory. It is highly recommended that a new copy frog of ebony shall be readily used for regular practice, teaching and performance. In case of resale, the original frog may therefore be restored so as to avoid more cracks out of carelessness that will devaluate the bow.

Because of the difference in specific gravity between ebony and ivory, frog made of ebony is slightly larger in volume than that of ivory in order to maintain the bow’s overall fitting weight.

Fig 1.Violin bow by Dominique Peccatte (Left side).

Fig 2.Violin bow by Dominique Peccatte (right side).

2. Ferrule Crack to be Restored by Soldering

Fig 3.Before restoration.

Fig 4.After restoration.

3. Fresh Copy Needed for Impossible Ferrule Soldering due to Serious Wearing

Fig 5.Violin bow Vuillaum Model by J. J. Martin before restoration.

Fig 6.Violin bow Vuillaum Model by J. J. Martin after restoration.

4. Shell Slide Corrosion

Fig 7.Violin bow by Bausch (historic old bow) before restoration.

Fig 8.Violin bow by Bausch (historic old bow) fitting.

Fig 9.Violin Bow by Bausch (historic old bow) after restoration.

5. Restored and Polished Frog with
 broken Corner

Fig 10.Before restoration.

Fig 11.After restoration.

c 2007 Baroque Wang's Violin Shop
(D.10F)No.25.Ho-Nan.E.1.St,Taichung .City .Taiwan
 Tel: 886-4-23129815 Mobile: 886-935-978509 886-920-626319
